Tuesday, August 21, 2007

highs and lows.

- an espresso shake with holly
-chatting about books and knitting and movies and lots of stuff that isn't my mom's death with holly
-chatting about my mom's death with holly
-wearing my tomato tent dress with braids
-getting a really thoughtful email from my cousin in tennessee. he's born-again, and his email was god squad-style, but in an inoffensive, very sweet way.

-helping the nurse give my mom an enema
-not getting along with shannon
-feeling dirty and wanting to shower, but being stuck up here in crappy shower land
-allen keeping the TV on 24 hours a day in my mom's room
-that tv being on the country music channel, which plays the shittiest music imaginable. (seriously, i can't believe people buy that crap.)
-seeing mom napping on her hospital bed, covered in the kitties, with the rabbit hunkered down at the foot.

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